5 ways to enhance your bathroom reno
Design Kitty Lee Architecture / Builder Renotech Building | Photographer The Palm Co.
Interior stylist Kate Moss of This Vacant Space talks us through her top tips for enhancing a bathroom renovation.
Words Kate Moss
There is no doubting that bathrooms are daunting and expensive spaces to makeover, and if you’re new to the renovating game I am sure you are looking at your budget wondering how you will get that ‘insta-worthy’ space without living off baked beans for the next 5 years. There are going to be several times throughout the renovation process where you will be making budget based compromises so here are a few bang for your buck tips that will make all the difference.
Interior design Lowi Interiors / Architecture Avenue Studios / Photo The Unfold / Featuring Nightworks Studio ‘Duomo Stem’ wall light
A layered lighting plan is crucial to any successful interior but also essential to the functionality of a space like the bathroom. When planned in advance (during the electrical rough in), including a wall light or pendant next to the mirror is not only an inexpensive way of introducing a bespoke touch of character to the space but also helps to avoid those dreaded shadows being cast on your face when applying make up.
Interior design CG Design Studio / Photo Hannah Puechmarin
Featuring Articolo ‘Fizi’ wall sconce
Interior design Penman Brown / Photo Maree Homer
Featuring Apparatus Studio ‘Talisman’ wall sconce
Unlike the feature tiles you’ve just spent months deciding on, sometimes there are moments in design where it’s what you can’t see that makes it so good. A bit of forward thinking is all that’s required for your powerpoints to be the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics, out of sight, out of mind. Chat to your electrician/joiner in the early stages to get these wired in to mirrored cabinets, vanities and cupboards and there will be no additional cost compared to having it sit in the middle of the wall.
Interior design Kate Moss / Photography Anjie Blair
Don’t underestimate the power of a handle, it can completely change the overall look of a room! That sounds dramatic I know, but they are often overlooked and can be an instant game changer (and very easy DIY). The perfect way to dress up a ‘cheaper’ vanity or add a bespoke touch with decorative towel hooks and (don’t laugh) toilet roll holders. I am always looking for small details to improve the overall look without the price tag.
Interior design Becki Owens / Photography Rebekah Westover
Interior design Lydia Maskiell / Photography Anjie Blair / Wall painted in Dulux Bamboo Shoot
If you asked me for one thing that would completely transform the look of your space without costing an arm and a leg I would say paint, ten times over. Opting for walls that can remain un-tiled is not only a great way to keep the bathroom from feeling cold and clinical, but will also save you hundreds in both product and labour costs. Find areas to include some VJ panelling instead of regular plasterboard for added texture and paint away or tile 1/2 way up the wall and get creative with colours above to create a moody, inviting space.
Interior design Hemma Interiors / Photography The Palm Co
When it comes to your bathroom layout, the devil is in the detail and it’s these details that designers are trained to think of, which make all the difference to the functionality of your space. Lining up your tapware so it all sits at the same height (approximately 1050mm off the finished floor level), ensuring you have towels close to the shower and my favourite, installing your shower mixers in a location where they can be turned on/off without you getting wet are all examples where with a bit of forward thinking and planning, there will be no compromise to the the budget.
Design Kitty Lee Architecture / Builder Renotech Building / Photographer The Palm Co.