Work from home with a SheShed Cabin


Lisa Colahan of Waves Hair Salon has created her dream studio using SheShed’s Cabana Cabin. We chat to Lisa about how she’s transformed the compact space into a relaxing haven for her clients.

Photography Emma Winzar, Socially Create

Tell us the reason you chose the Cabana Cabin from SheShed?
I chose this particular SheShed because it offered the perfect blend of space and style. It had the potential to become a cozy, inviting salon where my clients could feel relaxed and pampered. The design was also versatile enough to allow me to customize it into the dream space I had envisioned.

How have you converted the inside into your dream salon space?
Converting the inside of the SheShed into my dream salon was a labour of love. I started with the basics – plumbing and electricity, then moved on to the fun parts like decorating and furnishing. I selected mirrors from Jagger & Wolf and salon chairs and a massage wash basin from Comfortel, all of which added a touch of elegance and comfort. After choosing the SheShed and furniture, I engaged with an interior designer to help bring my vision to life. Together, we added personal touches like plants, cozy lighting, and a calming colour palette to create a serene atmosphere that is both functional and a true reflection of my personal style.

How has having a work from home space changed your life?
Having a work-from-home space has been life-changing. It has given me the flexibility to balance my work and family life more effectively. I can schedule my appointments around school drop-offs, sports, and other family activities, which has been a huge relief. Plus, working from home has allowed me to build deeper connections with my clients, offering them a unique one-on-one service in a comfortable, personalized setting.

What advice would you have to someone thinking about buying a SheShed and starting a business from it?
My advice would be to go for it but plan carefully. Think about your needs and how you want to use the space. Invest in quality fittings and furnishings that reflect your brand and make your clients feel special. Don’t be afraid to personalize it and make it a true reflection of you. Also, consider the practical aspects like plumbing, electricity, and ensuring the space is well-insulated and comfortable year-round. Most importantly, believe in yourself and your vision. It’s hard work, but incredibly rewarding.

What is your favourite feature of your SheShed?
My favourite feature of my SheShed has to be the overall ambiance. The combination of the beautiful furniture, the calming decor, and the natural light that filters in through the windows creates a serene and inviting atmosphere. It’s a space where I feel at peace and inspired, and I love that my clients feel the same way when they walk through the door.

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